Many people who regularly work out and want to improve their health and physique use supplements as a way to enhance their muscle growth, improve athletic performance and lose weight. However, if you make poor food choices and your diet consists mostly of sugary, high fat, and processed food, taking any kind of supplements will not help you achieve your desired results. In short, supplements are not a replacement for a healthy diet but rather a boost in your regimen.
Nevertheless, for those of you who practice healthy eating habits, adding different kinds of supplements to your daily diet can do wonders for your health and fitness goals. There are so many fitness supplements products on the market today, and in this article, we’ll pay close attention to a particular kind of supplement known by the name of CLA.
What Is CLA?

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA ) is a naturally occurring fatty acid that can be found mostly in meat and dairy products. It is a popular dietary supplement that can be found in many health food stores sold either as a liquid or as pills. Linoleic acid is the most common omega 6 fatty acid that can be found in large amounts in vegetable oils but also in various other foods in much smaller amounts. The prefix “conjugated” is referred to the arrangement of the double bonds in the fatty acid molecule.
Can CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) Help You Lose Weight?
Most people who have used it claim that they’ve experienced major health benefits from CLA. It’s mostly consumed to help people lose weight, maintain lean muscle mass, and control type 2 diabetes which is often associated with obesity. Before we give you a detailed description of the many health benefits this product provides let’s first review some of the best CLA gym supplement products available on the market today.
Best CLA Supplements
CLA ProCla Essential
CLA ProCLA essential is considered to be one of the best first-class CLA gym supplement on the market today. According to some studies conducted, this product is a natural fat burner that can reduce adipose tissue or stubborn body fat from the midsection and thighs and increase lean muscle tissue. This further protects the tissue from being broken down which is the perfect energy source product for those who want to maintain their muscle tone whilst losing fat to achieve a fit and defined physique.
Nutrition Planet CLA
Nutrition Planet CLA is a premium nutritional supplement brand chosen by many people who are looking to reduce fat and improve their physique. This CLA gym supplement is very popular and most widely recommended across the fitness and bodybuilding industry. Many people report that they benefited immensely from these products which help them to achieve their fitness goal faster. It contains 90 CLA capsules which are packed with some of the best ingredients to help boost your metabolism and reach your fitness goals successfully.
MuscleTech Platinum CLA
Muscle Tech is the leader in conducting scientific research aimed towards the discovery of specific supplements that are effective in increasing lean muscle mass and improve athletic performance. The platinum pure CLA formula is completely free of stimulants and perfect for people following a gluten-free diet. The research indicates that CLA works by down-regulating the TNF alpha catabolic signalling molecule in muscles which helps in preventing the body to break lean muscle tissue.
Benefits of Using CLA Products

There is plenty of research backing up the potential benefits of CLA dietary supplements. The following are some of the most promising results these products provide.
Accelerated Fat Loss
Perhaps one of the most well-known and greatest benefits of using these supplements is the increased fat loss. It often works in a way to improve satiety, which additionally helps to decrease your chances of overeating and stay in a calorie deficit mode for much longer.
Increased Bone Strength
It’s a well-known fact that as we age we lose bone mass which can additionally cause osteoporosis where bones can become so thin and prone to breakage. The good news is that there are plenty of products that can help with this particular problem.
Speaking of CLA supplements, in particular, it has been shown that these products promote healthy bone strength and reduced risks of fractures and other related injuries. They work by increasing the body’s ability to absorb calcium and reducing the activity of osteoclasts, cells that break down the bones.
Improved Heart Health
Fitness CLA supplements are usually directly absorbed into the body system to produce the needed energy to perform workout sessions. Some recent studies have also shown that these types of supplements help to prevent the accumulation of fatty plaques on the arteries which has been linked directly to serious health conditions such as heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. Therefore, people who use CLA in their bodies have a lower risk of developing heart diseases.