The largest scraper for moving dirt in the world is the K-Tec’s 1254 ADT. K-Tec is a Canadian manufacturer of earth-moving machinery, well-known for its durable, productive and high quality earth-moving machines. The huge 1254 ADT scraper is specifically designed for push-loading tasks, as it has a heaped capacity of 41 cubic meters (according to ISO standards). Pulled by a six-wheel-drive 40-ton rock truck power unit, the K-Tec 1254 ADT disposes with 450 horsepower, which means it is capable to move very heavy loads. Its compact design makes it transportable overseas.
This unique scraper by K-Tec helps the contractors to significantly reduce the dirt moving costs. With a maximum loading rating of 59,000 kg, the 1254 ADT is capable to handle the toughest dirt moving tasks. For maximized capacity, this scraper is pushed by a bulldozer or a tractor unit. For those contractors who work with excavators, the 1254 ADT scraper can be used as a haul wagon.
The first 1254 ADT scraper was purchased by a contractor from Northern Texas who wanted to remain anonymous for unknown reasons. Efficient and productive, the K-Tec’s scraper is capable to haul even 40 percent more material while maintaining the same speed. However, the 1254 ADT is a successor of the K-Tec 1243 ADT. Many improvements have been made in the new model. For example, additional half meter in height was added for easier and quicker loading.
The K-Tec 1254 ADT comes with rack height of 1.37 meters and a 3-piece blade for cutting. It includes both lift and gate cylinders, as well as two ejector cylinders. This unique scraper has everything what is needed to satisfy the requirements of every contractor. Its mobility is a big advantage when compared with any other scraper model. The general specifications are: 4.27 meters wide, 3.48 meters in height, 12.34 meters long and weighing only 24,000 kg. It can be easily transported even overseas, packed in a 12-meter cube container. The unique scraper by K-Tec is a machine that can be used in any dirt application.
Check out the video of how K-Tec 1254 operates: