When selecting toys for a child, it is critical to consider their age and their developmental stage. Different stages require different skills, which call for different ways of interacting with a toy. Although it may seem complicated to crack the code at first, you don’t need a degree in child development. All you need to know is the basics.
Baby Toys for 0-2 Months

Babies can’t do much more than look around for the first two months of their lives. They spend most of their time sleeping, so this is an excellent age to invest in a soft play mat that they can sleep on and play on as they grow. Another ideal age-appropriate option is to find a wide selection of soft baby toys online and choose the one your baby will cherish for a long time. You should also consider purchasing a cosy comforter.
Still, at this point, interaction is the best activity for your baby. During the first two months, the best things you can do with your baby are: cuddling and holding, talking to your child, smiling at your child, making direct eye contact, singing songs to them, reading aloud or playing ‘Peek a Boo’.
Baby Toys for 2-3 Months
Most babies discover their hands between the ages of two and three months. Grasping, holding, and shaking things are a lot of fun. This is the beginning of the development of gross motor skills. Toys can also be introduced at this time. Toys for this age group teach the baby that their physical actions, moving their hands, impact the environment.
When choosing suitable baby toys, look for soft rubber squeak toys, lightweight rattles, rattling bracelets, or plastic keys. And, to give first-time parents peace of mind, you can purchase all these baby toys online from brands’ official websites or their reputable retailers while enjoying the comfort of your home.
Baby Toys for 3-6 Months

This is the age when babies enter their stage of exploration. Toddlers’ minds are hungry for sensory information, and they will enjoy anything that teaches them about different shapes, textures, tastes, smells, sights, and sounds. Exploring means putting objects to the test for a toddler of this age. Babies of this age will bang things on the floor against each other and their bodies. They will also put objects in their mouths, so keep this in mind when selecting toys for your baby.
Real-world objects can be beneficial to brain development and the development of both gross and fine motor skills. Some excellent age-appropriate toys are wooden and plastic spoons, plastic measuring cups, plastic funnels, baking sheets, plastic bowls, spatulas, lightweight balls, rattles, stacking toys, soft toys, and tummy mats with bright colours.
Keep in mind that this is also the age of teething. Although it usually begins around six months of age, some babies tend to cut their first tooth earlier. Teething rings can be a fun, sensory toy for your nervous and drooling baby!
Baby Toys for 6 Months to 1-Year-Olds
A lot happens in the second half of a baby’s first year. The majority of babies have learned to crawl. Many will pull themselves to a halt and clutch at furniture, while some will probably learn to walk.
The best toys for this age level continue the theme of action and result while also providing opportunities for problem-solving. Pull toys, plush toys, toys that imitate the actions of family life, activity tables, spinning tops, baby-safe musical instruments, shape sorters, and stacking toys are some options.
Best Toys for 1-2 Years

This is the age when things are getting fun and busy. Toddlers will start to walk and be fascinated by cause and effect due to their new fine motor skills. Tots enjoy seeing how their actions result in a reaction, so they’ll enjoy walkers, puzzles, and matching shapes to holes – though they’ll still need assistance with this. These toys are not only entertaining but also beneficial to their development. You can start saying the shapes, colours, and numbers aloud as they begin to speak. You’ll be surprised at how much your baby learns at this age.
Toys for 2-3 years
This is where the real fun begins! Your child will be able to play more independently as they complete puzzles and stacker toys on their own. They’ll enjoy playing pretend and recreating things they’ve seen, such as tea parties and construction and cooking and parenting. Their little personalities are pretty large at this age! Most excitingly, this is the right time to begin introducing ride-on toys because children will have developed a consistent balance.
Best Toys for 3-4 Years

This is the age when your child starts to get creative! Children can begin absorbing information, and they’ll most likely be counting, singing, and sounding out letters. They will most likely begin to enjoy arts and crafts, pretend play, and simple board games, which will be enjoyable for both parent and child. It is critical to read stories to children at this pre-school age to stimulate their active imaginations and begin to teach phonics. Children at this age will become interested in electronic toys, so the Toniebox is an excellent electronic toy that does not increase screen time.
Toys for 4+ Years
Children as young as four years old attend school, and they are heavily influenced by current trends and what their peers are interested in. Their personalities are truly unique, and you should be guided by what they request. However, books, board games, and crafts are always great gifts for children of this age.